Davson’s master series. This With Gratitude series contains much of Davson’s best work. There were twelve paintings making up the set of works, with each being created in 1996, the same size, on a specific theme and in a related palette.
The With Gratitude series is also the ONLY body of art created by Davson on a specific theme where all of the works of art are the same size.
In their lifetime of creativity, many great artists are remembered for one or two significant works, and / or one fabulous series. Examples of series include Monet’s Haystacks and Water Lilies.
Davson’s With Gratitude series of oil paintings make up such a series, and as the owner of some of this work you could enjoy the benefits of sharing in their provenance, their rising prestige and in their investment value. There could also be opportunities to give countless others the chance to share this with you, should you be willing to exhibit these works of art in public venues.