2012 - now
Print media
Print Media
Print Media
Print Media
Print Media
Print Media
Print media
1970 - 1979
Print Media
1961 - 1969
Newspaper articles
[su_button url="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3497378/A%20Selection%20of%20articles.pdf" target="blank" style="glass" background="#DAA520" size="15" icon="icon: folder-open-o" text_shadow="1px 0px 0px #000000" desc="Press for Media" onclick="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3497378/A%20Selection%20of%20articles.pdf"][/su_button]
Davson in the News and Print Media
The artist, 雪伦 黛维鑫, Sharon Davson has featured in well over 2,000 news articles.
The selection above, deliberately chooses news articles and print media from a wide range of locations, rather than just focusing on the Capital City press to show the breadth and diversity of geographies interested in her work. The most recent article to be published about her is found in the China Business Focus Magazine and was printed in both Chinese and English -